Hi, I am

I'm a senior software developer and former senior consultant at INNOQ with 15+ years of experience.

freelancing & open for hire
a photo of me

If you'd like to connect, I am happy to receive emails at christoph.burnicki@gmail.com

What I do

I will help you to

What I offer

Startup Work

Engineering excellence is not always about writing perfect code. In startups it is often about pace:

Don't build a mine before you struck gold  🏔️⛏️

Startups and large businesses have very different goals and resources and therefore equally different requirements when it comes to software architecture and engineering.

Having worked in both environments, I know how to make the right calls for your business.

Product Development

It's almost a platitude in our business:

“If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late.”

Reid Hoffmann's words describe what we all know, at least in theory: Your MVP should be minimalistic. To spend more time on a feature than it takes to verify it, often means you wasted that time. And yet, we see this happening again and again.

It takes time and experience to think from a purely MVP-centered perspective, put back own desires and say no to everything that is unnecessary.

Distributed Systems
Self-Contained Systems
Startup Architecture
Backend Development & Architecture

Over the years, I have designed and implemented and improved dozens of backend systems of varying size and complexity.

For a long time, the main focus was on independent, distributed systems and asynchronous communication in enterprise environments. However, my work for startups taught me how to build systems with very few development resources, even if that means to start out with a classic monolith.

The key is to understand how to get away with it once the organization starts to scale.

Frontend Development & Architecture

I supported frontend teams in many server-side rendering and SPA projects. I have most experience in developing cross-platform apps with Ionic, Angular and Capacitor, although I have done work in multiple VueJS and NextJS / React projects.

I've designed software architectures for multiple Ionic based apps, from two person teams to micro-frontend environments spanning a handful of mid-sized teams.



Whenever I have time and motivation, I write about the things I learned along the way. Here are a few examples.

More of my content

Our latest app

A screenshot of our app: People can respond to and event

Häpps: Invite people to happenings and events

In häpps you can create happenings: a party, a barbecue, a concert visit or whatever you like. Your friends can answer your invitation and help plan the happening in the chat. In häpps, groups are organized around events instead of groups of people to bundle necessary information and to avoid awkwardly muting or using WhatsApp groups.

It's a cross platform app for Android and iOS with a modern distributed backend system. The app was built by my brother Stefan and myself.

What we've learned

When it became clear that the app was not gaining the necessary momentum and that even more intensive engagement was not compatible with our personal life plans, we finally decided to stop working on the app in January 2023.

Even if it turned out that either the idea didn't work or our marketing skills weren't sufficient, we learned a tremendous amount about app and product development during the development period. Technically it was a complete success. We launched a minimal version in the planned time, on which we validated features and then adapted, deleted or expanded them.

We put our knowledge into good practice

We decided to take everything we learned and help other founders launch their products. We started our Appventure Time Blog and help our clients to launch their products successfully.

We know we can help with a successful product launch - we've done it multiple times!

Past Projects

2023 to 2024

Implementation of a Micro-Frontend Architecture using Ionic

Ionic | Capacitor | WebComponents | Micro-Frontends

Our task is to roll out an existing internal application as a mobile app. In order to give the individual teams maximum independence in terms of development speed, choice of technology and deployment, an Android app consisting of micro front ends will be built first. In addition to the usual challenges, such as avoiding cross-team version dependencies, special challenges arise with a mobile app compared to a web app, since only one app bundle is deployed.

2019 to 2023

Design, Development and Rollout of a Social Networking App (häpps)

Ionic/Angular | NodeJS/TypeScript | Flask/Python | MongoDB | Redis | RabbitMQ

The app is a social network that allows you to create and share events (happenings). The mobile app was developed cross-platform with Ionic for Android and IOS and rolled out, and includes a multitude of features such as wizards, friends lists, profile pages, searches, event creation, push notifications and chatrooms. The system is a complex distributed system interconnected by HTTP interfaces and message brokers.

2015 to 2018

Concept, Development and Rollout of an Event App

Ionic/Angular | NodeJS/TypeScript | Java | Python | Machine Learning

The app shows a live map with various events in selected cities. The development of the Android/IOS apps was done cross-platform with Ionic. Various backend services have searched the Internet for events and extracted, categorized and prepared information using machine learning to centrally display it in the app.


Optimization and Further Development of a Telemedicine App

NodeJS/Typescript | RabbitMQ | Redis | MongoDB

Assistance in the development of a telemedicine app for a startup. The app enabled doctors to communicate remotely and with emergency personnel on site, to record patient data and to prescribe medication. Challenges included the high requirements for data security, connection stability, and logging and traceability of internal processes.


2016 to 2017

Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics

Technische Universität Berlin

Mainly theoretical and computational physics. Although I love physics, it became clear to me that engineering was what I enjoyed most doing on a day to day basis. I eventually decided to drop out of the master's degree to work on a startup project.

2012 to 2016

Physics (B. Sc.)

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

After discovering what a powerful tool math is in economics studies, I decided to follow my childhood dream and study physics.

2010 to 2012

Economics (B. Sc.)

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

I was fascinated by the complexity of economic systems. Studying economics awoke my interest in mathematics. I later discovered that many statistical methods could not only be applied to data science but also to machine learning.

2008 to 2010

Political Science and Government, Economics

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

After school I was deeply interested in philosophy, politics and the rules and contracts that constitute our democratic societies. The 2008 economic crisis eventually shifted my focus towards economics.

Get In Touch

What’s your story? Get in touch

I'm always keen to hear about new ideas and to work on exciting projects. Feel free to write me an email!