Some of my past projects

2023 to 2024

Implementation of a Micro-Frontend Architecture using Ionic

Ionic | Capacitor | WebComponents | Micro-Frontends

Our task is to roll out an existing internal application as a mobile app. In order to give the individual teams maximum independence in terms of development speed, choice of technology and deployment, an Android app consisting of micro front ends will be built first. In addition to the usual challenges, such as avoiding cross-team version dependencies, special challenges arise with a mobile app compared to a web app, since only one app bundle is deployed.

My tasks included

  • Design of a distributed frontend architecture
  • Team coordination
  • Frontend Development
  • Cloud Service Consultation (Push Notifications)
2019 to 2023

Design, Development and Rollout of a Social Networking App (häpps)

Ionic/Angular | NodeJS/TypeScript | Flask/Python | MongoDB | Redis | RabbitMQ

The app is a social network that allows you to create and share events (happenings). The mobile app was developed cross-platform with Ionic for Android and IOS and rolled out, and includes a multitude of features such as wizards, friends lists, profile pages, searches, event creation, push notifications and chatrooms. The system is a complex distributed system interconnected by HTTP interfaces and message brokers.

My tasks included

  • Planning and design of the app and its features
  • Architecture design, backend and frontend
  • Backend and frontend development
  • Deployment and rollout of the app to the stores
  • Monitoring and test management
2015 to 2018

Concept, Development and Rollout of an Event App

Ionic/Angular | NodeJS/TypeScript | Java | Python | Machine Learning

The app shows a live map with various events in selected cities. The development of the Android/IOS apps was done cross-platform with Ionic. Various backend services have searched the Internet for events and extracted, categorized and prepared information using machine learning to centrally display it in the app.

My tasks included

  • Planning of the app and its features
  • Planning of the backend architecture
  • Design, further development and tuning of the ML features
  • Backend development
  • Planning of the frontend architecture
  • Frontend development
  • Deployment and rollout of the app to the stores

Concept, Development and Rollout of an Invitation App

VueJS | NodeJS/TypeScript | Flask/Python | MongoDB

Development of a web app that allows sending electronic invitations to private and commercial events. The web app allowed guests to respond to invitations and organizers to keep track of events and the responses of various guests.

My tasks included

  • Feature planning
  • Design of frontend and backend architectures
  • Frontend and backend development
May 2021

Performance Optimization of Internal Systems for a Festival Organizer

NodeJS | Redis | PostgreSQL

The internal platform manages approximately 30k staff at the Fusion Festival. Just before the start of the festival, it became clear that the platform was not scaling with the enormous amounts of encrypted data and the large number of users. A special challenge was an unusual, sluggish architecture, which however was to ensure the high standards of data security for all participants. A series of workshops analyzed the problems and then made architectural and performance improvements until the platform scaled smoothly.

My tasks included

  • Architecture analysis
  • Performance optimization
  • Database optimization

Further Development of a Product Information Management System

Spring/Kotlin | PostgreSQL | Apache Kafka

The aim of the project was to replace the outdated Product Information Management System (PIM) as part of the redevelopment of the online store of a large fashion house. As part of the PIM team, we made further developments, adjustments and optimizations to ensure smooth operation.

My tasks included

  • Backend development
  • Frontend development

Optimization and Further Development of a Telemedicine App

NodeJS/Typescript | RabbitMQ | Redis | MongoDB

Assistance in the development of a telemedicine app for a startup. The app enabled doctors to communicate remotely and with emergency personnel on site, to record patient data and to prescribe medication. Challenges included the high requirements for data security, connection stability, and logging and traceability of internal processes.

My tasks included

  • Backend development
2018 to 2020

Architecture Planning and Development of Internal Market Platforms for a Large Food Retailer

Spring/Java | NodeJS/TypeScript | ElasticSearch | MongoDB | PostgreSQL

Planning of an SCS landscape for the distributed architecture of an employee portal and a marketplace. Backend and frontend development in the individual SCS. Design of a distributed search engine.

My tasks included

  • Development (BE & FE)
  • Architecture planning
08.2016 to 09.2018

Transfer of an Existing E-Learning Platform to a Distributed Architecture

Apache | Java, TypeScript | Docker | PostgreSQL, MongoDB

To ensure the maintainability and further developability of a large e-learning platform, the monolith was broken down into several (containerized) subsystems, some of which were transferred to new technologies.

My tasks included

  • Design and transfer of the system architecture
  • Backend development
  • Refactoring
03.2018 to 07.2018

Development of a LateX Web-IDE

Java | Docker | Angular | MongoDB

An existing desktop IDE for the creation, management, versioning and deployment of courses of an e-learning platform was redeveloped as a web-based IDE.

My tasks included

  • Improvement of the system architecture
  • Backend development
  • Refactoring
03.2017 to 03.2018

Development of a New B2C Division Portal for an Online Retailer

NodeJS | MongoDB

A prototype of a new B2C division platform was developed for a large, international auction platform.

My tasks included

  • Design of the system architecture
  • Backend development
12.2011 to 06.2016

Further Development and Modernization of a Large Content Marketplace

Apache | PHP | HTML/JS/CSS | MySQL

Further development and modernization of a large, international content marketplace.

My tasks included

  • Development (BE & FE)
  • Feature planning
  • Test management